Sepp Holzer's Permaculture

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing Company
ISBN: 9781603583701
Category : Gardening
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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"First Englished language edition... was published in 2011 in the United Kingdom by Permanent Publications, The Sustainability Centre, East Meon, Hampshire, UK."--T.p. verso.

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing Company
ISBN: 9781603583701
Category : Gardening
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
"First Englished language edition... was published in 2011 in the United Kingdom by Permanent Publications, The Sustainability Centre, East Meon, Hampshire, UK."--T.p. verso.

Sepp Holzers Permakultur

Sepp Holzers Permakultur PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
ISBN: 9783702010379
Category :
Languages : de
Pages : 304

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In diesem Praxisbuch erklärt Sepp Holzer die Prinzipien seiner Permakultur und zeigt, wie sie praktisch schon im Kleingarten, ja sogar im Balkongarten umgesetzt werden kann. Darüber hinaus macht er an vielen Beispielen deutlich, wie auch die erwerbsmäßige Landwirtschaft nach diesen Prinzipien gestaltet werden kann und welche Alternativen es hier gibt. .Schaffen von Kleinklimazonen durch Sonnenfallen, Windbremsen u. a., Möglichkeiten der Lenkung und Speicherung von Wasser, Scheinproblem Trockenheit. .Verbesserung der Bodengesundheit, Bedeutung von Pflanzengemeinschaften, Mischkulturen. .Anwendung der Permakultur in Klein- und Stadtgärten, Terrassen- und Balkongärten und im Bauerngarten. .Naturbelassener Obstbau in kleinem und großem Maßstab, Obstbau in alpinen Regionen und auf schwierigen Flächen, künstlerische Gestaltung (Mehrstämmigkeit und Zwieselbäume). Veredelungstechniken, alte Sorten für spezielle Zwecke (Brände, Säfte, Essig...) .Pilzzucht auf Stroh und Holz, Waldpilzzucht .Alpenpflanzen in Tieflagen .Düngung, Regulierung von Problempflanzen und Bewältigung von Trockenheit im Acker- und Gemüsebau. Alte Sorten, alternative Produkte wie Kräuter, Blumen, Alpenpflanzen, Saatguterzeugung u. a.

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing
ISBN: 1603583831
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : de
Pages : 259

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Sepp Holzer farms steep mountainsides in Austria 1,500 meters above sea level. His farm is an intricate network of terraces, raised beds, ponds, waterways and tracks, well covered with productive fruit trees and other vegetation, with the farmhouse neatly nestling amongst them. This is in dramatic contrast to his neighbors' spruce monocultures. In this book, Holzer shares the skill and knowledge acquired over his lifetime. He covers every aspect of his farming methods, not just how to create a holistic system on the farm itself, but how to make a living from it. Holzer writes about everything from the overall concepts, down to the practical details. In Sepp Holzer's Permaculture readers will learn: How he sets up a permaculture system The fruit varieties he has found best for permaculture growing How to construct terraces, ponds, and waterways How to build shelters for animals and how to work with them on the land How to cultivate edible mushrooms in the garden and on the farm and much more! Holzer offers a wealth of information for the gardener, smallholder or alternative farmer yet the book's greatest value is the attitudes it teaches. He reveals the thinking processes based on principles found in nature that create his productive systems. These can be applied anywhere.

Desert Or Paradise

Desert Or Paradise PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing
ISBN: 1603584641
Category : Desertification
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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Outlines the author's ten points of sustainable self-reliance, details pond and lake construction, and discusses biodiversity.

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
ISBN: 9781856230599
Category : Permaculture
Languages : en
Pages : 218

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While the surrounding mountain sides are covered in dark monocultures of spruce, the Krameterhof stands out like a beacon. It's an intricate network of terraces, raised beds, ponds, waterways and tracks, well covered with fruit trees and other productive vegetation and with the farmhouse neatly nestling amongst them. The farm is not just and integrated part of the natural world, it's also where Sepp Holzer and his wife Veronika make their living. It has taken a great deal of skill and knowledge to achieve this, and these things don't come easily. Right from his childhood, when his mother gave him a small plot for his first garden, he has observed, questioned and experimented. After a lifetime of permaculture farming he knows the natural world like few other people do today

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture

Sepp Holzer's Permaculture PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
ISBN: 9781856232401
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Sepp Holzer farms steep mountainsides in Austria, 1,500 metres above sea level. His farm is an intricate network of terraces, raised beds, ponds, waterways and tracks, well covered with productive fruit trees and other vegetation, with the farmhouse neatly nestling amongst them. This is in dramatic contrast to his neighbours' spruce monocultures. In this book, Sepp shares the skill and knowledge acquired over his lifetime. He covers every aspect of his farming methods, not just how to create a holistic system on the farm itself, but how to make a living from it. He writes about everything from the overall concepts, down to the practical details. In Sepp Holzer's Permaculture you will learn: How Sepp himself sets up a permaculture system; The fruit varieties Sepp has found best for permaculture growing; How to construct terraces, ponds, and waterways; How to build shelters for animals and how to work with them on the land; How to cultivate edible mushrooms in the garden and on the farm and much more! Sepp offers a wealth of information for the gardener, smallholder or alternative farmer, yet the book's greatest value is the attitude it teaches - he reveals the thinking processes based on principles found in nature that create his successful systems. These can be applied by anyone anywhere, and Sepp is increasingly recognised as a leading figure in agriculture.

Desert or Paradise

Desert or Paradise PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
Publisher: Chelsea Green Publishing
ISBN: 160358465X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : de
Pages : 227

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Sepp Holzer farms steep mountainsides in Austria 5,000 feet above sea level. His farm is an intricate network of terraces, raised beds, ponds, and waterways, well covered with productive fruit trees and other vegetation, in dramatic contrast to his neighbors' spruce monocultures. Fans of Sepp Holzer have come from all over the world to see the productivity of his farm, a veritable permaculture paradise. His first book, Sepp Holzer's Permaculture, offers a detailed guide to what Holzer has achieved on his farm. Many readers might have wondered-but how can we achieve this on a global scale? Luckily, his newest book, Desert or Paradise, examines Holzer's core philosophy for increasing food production, earth health, and reconnecting mankind with nature, applied to reforestation and water conservation across the world. Through years of consultation with other countries, Holzer has developed a core philosophy for reconnecting mankind with nature even in arid or otherwise "lost-cause" regions. He details a process he calls "Grundierung," a term from painting meaning "base coat," which goes into great detail the importance of water, and Desert or Paradise offers his concept and guide to construction of large water reservoirs in arid, rainfall-dependent regions with examples from Greece, Turkey, Spain, and Portugal. Holzer describes the ecological and economic benefits of these changes, as well as the use of a variety of plant and animal species for further integration and regeneration of the surrounding areas, including reasons for reforestation and the cause and use of forest fires. Holzer also outlines his ten points of sustainable self-reliance and how these methods can help feed the world, such as the need to regulate the water budget, eliminate factory livestock farming, bring more fallow or unused areas into production, enlarge crop areas by using terracing and Holzer-style raised beds, regionalize instead of globalize, fight for land reform and engage in community building, go back to the ancient farming wisdom, and change the educational system. Also included are Holzer's ideas on beekeeping, humane slaughtering, nature spirits, the loss of roots in our society in general, and in politics especially.

Wüste oder Paradies

Wüste oder Paradies PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
Publisher: Leopold Stocker Verlag
ISBN: 3702018247
Category : Nature
Languages : de
Pages : 508

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Der neue "Holzer "ist da! Permakulturpionier und "Agrar-Rebell" Sepp Holzer legt ein neues Buch vor: In "Wüste oder Paradies" widmet er sich dem brisanten Thema der zunehmenden Umweltkatastrophen, verursacht durch Fehler in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft. Auswege zeigt der Praxisteil. Sepp Holzer hat revolutionäre neue Wege für die heimische Landwirtschaft aufgezeigt, indem er eigentlich Selbstverständliches machte: Die Natur beobachten, daraus Schlüsse ziehen und danach handeln. Mittlerweile ist der "Agrar-Rebell" ein international gefragter Experte geworden und hilft von Russland über Schottland, Spanien und Portugal bis hin nach Südamerika bei der Renaturierung von Landschaften und beim Aufbau alternativer Möglichkeiten der Selbstversorgung im städtischen Raum. Im Zentrum von Sepp Holzers neuem Buch stehen die Anlage von Teichen und Seen und das naturgemäße Wasser-Management als Grundlagen jeder Renaturierung von Landschaften. Waldaufbau, Mischkultur und Regenerierung des Bodenlebens sind weitere zentrale Themen in Sepp Holzers Strategie für die Welternährung. Selbstversorgung ist – mit den richtigen Methoden – überall auf der Erde möglich. Gedanken zu einer Tierhaltung, die die Tiere als Mitarbeiter, nicht als Ware sieht, runden das Buch ab. Der Praxisteil befasst sich mit der Anlage von Teichen und Seen, mit der Einführung in die Permakultur für den Hausgarten inklusive kreativer Ideen für das "Urban Gardening" auf engstem Raum, wie Balkongärten, hängende und senkrechte Gärten etc. Wie können Landwirte die Prinzipien der Holzer'schen Permakultur umsetzen? Von der Regeneration belasteten Ackerlandes über die Regulation von Schädlingen bis hin zur richtigen Bewässerung, vom Frostschutz bis hin zur biotopgerechten Tierhaltung. Saatgut-Erzeugung, neue Wege in der Imkerei und die Rettung aller, vom Absterben bedrohter Bäume sind weitere Bereiche des Praxisteils. Gemeinsam mit der Journalistin Leila Dregger zeigt Sepp Holzer neue Wege der Erdheilung auf, die in der Zukunft Naturkatastrophen vermeiden helfen.

Der Agrar-Rebell

Der Agrar-Rebell PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
Category : Agriculturists
Languages : de
Pages : 248

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Sepp Holzer hat eine eigene Form der Permakultur entwickelt, die bereits Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Forschungsarbeiten ist und auch Projekt der Expo 2000 in Hannover war ...

The Rebel Farmer

The Rebel Farmer PDF Author: Sepp Holzer
Publisher: Permanent Publications
ISBN: 9783702010546
Category : Agriculturists
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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The autobiography of Europe's most innovative farmer and permaculturist. Holzer is an agricultural rebel who grows kiwis, oranges, and pumpkins on his mountain farm near Salzburg, Austria at an altitude of 1,500m above sea level. In this richly illustrated book, Holzer describes not only the basic principles of his life and thinking, but also his endless struggle with public authorities which do everything in their power to prevent alternative forms of farming.