Internationales Management - Erfordernisse interkultureller Kompetenz zur Gestaltung internationaler Geschäftsbeziehungen

Internationales Management - Erfordernisse interkultureller Kompetenz zur Gestaltung internationaler Geschäftsbeziehungen PDF Author: Carmen Hönig
Publisher: GRIN Verlag
ISBN: 3640116984
Category :
Languages : de
Pages : 62

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL - Allgemeines, Note: 1,5, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Lörrach, früher: Berufsakademie Lörrach, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1 Einleitung "How people learn to learn differently will continue to be an area of investigation for some time to come. As it now stands, however, these differences represent one of the barriers that have to be overcome each time to people raised in different cultures interact over any but the shortest pe-riode of time" 1.1 Motivation "Internationalisierung und Globalisierung vieler Bereiche unserer Gesellschaft schreiten stän-dig voran." Dies steht in Verbindung "mit einer Vielzahl von Situationen, in denen Vertreter un-terschiedlicher Kulturen aufeinander treffen." Es gibt so viele Kooperationen, Joint-Ventures und weltweit verstreute Tochtergesellschaften wie nie zuvor. Unabhängig von der konkreten Gestaltung der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit sind diese Unternehmen gezwungen, sich am Export-, bzw. Importgeschäft zu beteiligen, um marktfähig zu bleiben. Ebenso besteht "die Notwendigkeit, länderübergreifende Skaleneffekte und Verbundvorteile zu realisieren", wodurch die Unternehmen mit kultureller Diversität konfrontiert sind. Durch diese Entwicklung erfolgt eine Veränderung des Anforderungsprofils von Führungskräften. Die Ansprüche, die ei-ne interkulturelle Konstellation mit sich bringt, sind nicht alleine mit Anpassungsfähigkeit zu bewältigen, denn "zu komplex, zu verschieden sind Denken oder Handeln." Es ist notwenig, eine besondere kulturelle Sensibilität zu entwickeln, die sogenannte interkulturelle Kompetenz, welche dazu beiträgt, die interkulturelle Kommunikation erfolgreich zu gestalten. Situationen, in denen kulturell geprägte Eigenheiten eine Rolle spielen, sind alltäglich und "wenn der Geschäftserfolg nicht an den vermeintlichen kulturbedingten Kleinigkeiten scheitern soll" ist interkulturelle Kompetenz unerlässlich. Diese Notwendigkeit ergibt sich zudem aus

Internationales Management - Erfordernisse interkultureller Kompetenz zur Gestaltung internationaler Geschäftsbeziehungen

Internationales Management - Erfordernisse interkultureller Kompetenz zur Gestaltung internationaler Geschäftsbeziehungen PDF Author: Carmen Hönig
Publisher: GRIN Verlag
ISBN: 3640116984
Category :
Languages : de
Pages : 62

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Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL - Allgemeines, Note: 1,5, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Lörrach, früher: Berufsakademie Lörrach, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1 Einleitung "How people learn to learn differently will continue to be an area of investigation for some time to come. As it now stands, however, these differences represent one of the barriers that have to be overcome each time to people raised in different cultures interact over any but the shortest pe-riode of time" 1.1 Motivation "Internationalisierung und Globalisierung vieler Bereiche unserer Gesellschaft schreiten stän-dig voran." Dies steht in Verbindung "mit einer Vielzahl von Situationen, in denen Vertreter un-terschiedlicher Kulturen aufeinander treffen." Es gibt so viele Kooperationen, Joint-Ventures und weltweit verstreute Tochtergesellschaften wie nie zuvor. Unabhängig von der konkreten Gestaltung der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit sind diese Unternehmen gezwungen, sich am Export-, bzw. Importgeschäft zu beteiligen, um marktfähig zu bleiben. Ebenso besteht "die Notwendigkeit, länderübergreifende Skaleneffekte und Verbundvorteile zu realisieren", wodurch die Unternehmen mit kultureller Diversität konfrontiert sind. Durch diese Entwicklung erfolgt eine Veränderung des Anforderungsprofils von Führungskräften. Die Ansprüche, die ei-ne interkulturelle Konstellation mit sich bringt, sind nicht alleine mit Anpassungsfähigkeit zu bewältigen, denn "zu komplex, zu verschieden sind Denken oder Handeln." Es ist notwenig, eine besondere kulturelle Sensibilität zu entwickeln, die sogenannte interkulturelle Kompetenz, welche dazu beiträgt, die interkulturelle Kommunikation erfolgreich zu gestalten. Situationen, in denen kulturell geprägte Eigenheiten eine Rolle spielen, sind alltäglich und "wenn der Geschäftserfolg nicht an den vermeintlichen kulturbedingten Kleinigkeiten scheitern soll" ist interkulturelle Kompetenz unerlässlich. Diese Notwendigkeit ergibt sich zudem aus

Interkulturelles Management.

Interkulturelles Management. PDF Author: Niels Bergemann
Publisher: Physica-Verlag HD
ISBN: 9783790809138
Category : Communication in management
Languages : de
Pages : 311

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Dieses Buch gibt einen Aoeberblick A1/4ber relevante Aspekte interkulturellen Managements, die von Experten der jeweiligen Bereiche aus Forschung und Praxis dargestellt werden. Im ersten Teil werden die Grundlagen Werte, FA1/4hrungsverhalten, Kommunikation, Motivation und Entscheidungsfindung unter interkulturellem Aspekt diskutiert. Im zweiten Teil werden Handlungsfelder interkulturellen Managements betrachtet. Internationale Personalauswahl, Training interkultureller Kompetenzen, internationale Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung, Arbeits- und Projektgruppengestaltung, personelle Aspekte bei Unternehmensfusionen und Reintegration nach einem Auslandseinsatz sind Themen, die unmittelbare Praxisrelevanz besitzen.

Interkulturelles Management

Interkulturelles Management PDF Author: Frank Bannys
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527506543
Category : Intercultural communication
Languages : de
Pages : 340

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Das Buch von Frank Bannys stellt ein ganzheitliches und pragmatisches Konzept mit praxisorientierten Werkzeugen vor, die Menschen in internationalen Geschäftsbeziehungen oder anspruchsvollen interkulturellen Situationen unterstützen. Das Ziel besteht in der Erweiterung der persönlichen interkulturellen Managementkompetenz. Frank Bannys erläutert einen Ansatz, der mit der erfolgreichen Gestaltung internationaler bzw. interkultureller Managementsituationen unmittelbar in Verbindung steht. Zentrale Bausteine sind dabei: - die kulturelle Prägung der an der Situation beteiligten Personen, ihre Weltbilder, Konzepte und Wertesysteme. - die individuellen Persönlichkeiten der an der Situation beteiligten Personen und ihre präferierten Kommunikationsstile und Verhaltensweisen. - die individuellen Präferenzen und Erwartungen an eigenes sowie fremdes Führungsverhalten im konkreten internationalen Managementkontext. - die individuellen Herausforderungen in der konkreten Phase einer interkulturellen Managementsituation, das heißt zum Beispiel am Beginn eines Projektes, im Verlauf eines Veränderungsprozesses oder in Konfliktsituationen. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Schaffen von Bewusstsein für die Vielschichtigkeit der Einflüsse und Herausforderungen im interkulturellen Management. Aufgrund der Einzigartigkeit von Situationen reichen für den Aufbau von Vertrauen sowie die erfolgreiche Gestaltung von Beziehungen einfache Patentrezepte in Form von Dos & Don`ts häufig nicht aus. Ein zentrales Element des Buches liegt daher im Anbieten pragmatischer Orientierungen auf der Basis von Zusammenhängen zwischen Grundlagen unterschiedlicher Landes- und Unternehmenskulturen einerseits mit assoziierten Grundmustern von Persönlichkeiten und ihren Führungs-, Kommunikations- und Verhaltenspräferenzen in interkulturellen Managementsituationen andererseits. Umfangreiche Beispiele aus Ländern aller Kontinente sowie aus Wissenschaft und Praxis laden den Leser zum Perspektivwechsel ein. Das Buch verfolgt einen Coaching-orientierten Ansatz, der bewusst auf eigenen Stärken aufbaut und den Leser ermutigt, diese schrittweise zu erweitern und an seine konkreten Erfordernisse im Tagesgeschäft anzupassen.

International Project Management - Chances and Risks and the Impact of Intercultural Differences on Projects of the HSH Nordbank AG

International Project Management - Chances and Risks and the Impact of Intercultural Differences on Projects of the HSH Nordbank AG PDF Author: Pamela Wittenberg
Publisher: GRIN Verlag
ISBN: 3640882830
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 93

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Diploma Thesis from the year 2007 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 3,0, AKAD University of Applied Sciences Pinneberg, language: English, abstract: These days, many companies are no longer content to market their products and services on a national level alone; with increasing frequency, they are turning toward the world market as well. The dynamics and conditions at the global level are constantly in flux, making unstable business environments unavoidable and reiterative customization and realignment necessary. Accompanying these variable dynamics at the global level are two other factors: tighter deadlines and a greater number of international collaborations. The logic of global expansion means that ever more employees are working together with colleagues from other countries on projects they need to finish ever more rapidly. Ensuring that international projects can be realized efficiently and successfully requires rigorous and precise project management. And ensuring rigorous and precise international project management requires knowledge of intercultural differences, experience in intercultural communication as well as good collaboration and team development. Most problems in intercultural projects do not arise because of wrong objectives or management techniques, but because of intercultural misunderstandings. Objectives HSH Nordbank AG assesses projects based on compliance with planned levels of budget, time, and quality. Unfortunately, actual results often deviate significantly from target figures. This is especially the case with international projects. The question thus arises whether such variations result from intercultural differences and, if so, how project managers might diminish the likelihood of their occurrence-or even use them to their advantage. The aim of this thesis is to highlight the significant role played by cultural differences in international projects and to evaluate the impact of t

Understanding the role of culture: Fons Trompenaars's concept

Understanding the role of culture: Fons Trompenaars's concept PDF Author: Andrej Smolarek
Publisher: GRIN Verlag
ISBN: 3638508447
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 34

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Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,7, Pforzheim University (Pforzheim Graduate School - Master in Business Administration & Engineering), course: International Management 1, language: English, abstract: Different people on our earth have already had all kinds of contacts with each other at the beginning of our history. As early as the antique the Greeks for instance already traded with the other nations or the Spanish exploited the original inhabitants of Middle and South America in the 15th/16th century because of their gold. Now it doesn’t matter if it was because of armed conflicts or prosperous trade; there was ever an interest on the other party respectively the other culture. People ever tried to get information which they could use for their own advantages. An example for this is a plate of ethnology in the Austrian museum for ethnology in Vienna created at the beginning of the 18th century which should give people an impression of foreign cultures. There are different people (nations) showed in the plate: Spanish, French, Italians, Germans, English, Swedes, Poles, Hungarians, Russians, Turks and Greeks. The very negative description on the Turks probably because that the Austrian had bad experiences during the siege of Vienna in 1683. These „literary treasures“ are more influenced by prejudices and stereotypes than by scientific knowledge and today they just makes people laugh about. Today people try for instance to realize the advantages for their business relations by trying to understand the foreign cultures of their business partners. From this point of view the German proverb “other countries, other customs” (in German: “andere Länder, andere Sitten”) is quite true and it’s very important to know to which things the other party attaches great importance and in which way they act in negotiations. For instance Italians are known as smart negotiating partners who have a tendency to improvisation; Brits are known as fair negotiating partners who keep exact to their schedules while French interpret their schedules more generous, but they are seldom unpunctual. About this subject Fons Trompenaars wrote finally a book with the title: “Riding the waves of Culture”. In this book he shows how cultural differences affect the business life and the management. The report is also based on this book but doesn’t contain the study of the corporate cultures.

The Balanced Scorecard and its Implementation in Wells Fargo Online Financial Services

The Balanced Scorecard and its Implementation in Wells Fargo Online Financial Services PDF Author: Yasmin Shoaib
Publisher: GRIN Verlag
ISBN: 3638563197
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, grade: 1,5, University of Applied Sciences Berlin, course: International Strategic Management, language: English, abstract: Dissatisfaction or problems with implementation very often are the drivers for new innovative ideas. This fact is also true regarding the measurement of the performance of companies. In the past, companies often faced the problem, that, although having a clear formulated vision and strategy, they were not able to transform these into operative goals and actions without losses. But especially in today’s highly competitive and fast changing world, a fast and effective translation of strategy into action is necessary and relevant for success. Additionally the used systems for controlling, that were to a large extend geared to the accounting data of the companies, did not match the modern expectations anymore.

Conglomerate Structure in India: Financially Beneficial Or Outdated? The Case of the Tata Group

Conglomerate Structure in India: Financially Beneficial Or Outdated? The Case of the Tata Group PDF Author: Mathias Imbach
Publisher: GRIN Verlag
ISBN: 3640238710
Category : India
Languages : en
Pages : 58

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Diploma Thesis from the year 2008 in the subject Business economics - Economic Policy, grade: Distinction, London School of Economics (Management and Strategy Group), course: Dissertation Master of Science in International Management, 29 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: The conglomerate structure is still prevalent in India. Recently, however, consultants and international investors have started pressuring business houses to reduce diversification. Focusing on India's most diversified conglomerate and a benchmark portfolio of unaffiliated Indian firms, this study examines the impact of Tata Group affiliation on firm performance. Results show a significant positive relation between group membership and performance, both in terms of Tobin's q and ROA. Differentiating between different degrees of group affiliation (DOA), the analysis further reveals that the higher the influence from the centre, the higher the positive impact on firm performance. From all analyzed DOA factors, the inclusion of senior group level executives or Tata family members in the management of affiliates seems to boost affiliates' performance the most. A possible interpretation of this finding is that direct managerial involvement from the centre increases firms' access to group level resources. Furthermore, group level executives are matured professionals and leaders, who bring in valuable business knowledge, thereby increasing the long-term prospects of the affiliate and evoking trust among investors. Overall, the findings of this paper suggest that even in a more liberal and globalized India, the conglomerate structure can still be financially beneficial and is far from outdated. The Tata Group is one such positive example.

Human Resource Management in the Airline Industry - The Example of Star Alliance

Human Resource Management in the Airline Industry - The Example of Star Alliance PDF Author: Sarah Wilson
Publisher: GRIN Verlag
ISBN: 3638394832
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 83

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Master's Thesis from the year 2005 in the subject Business economics - Personnel and Organisation, grade: 1,0, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (WISO), course: Internationales Management, 223 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: The aim of this thesis is to explore Human Resource Management (HRM) in the passenger business of the airline industry, and in particular, the potential for standardisation of HRM in airline alliances, by using the example of Star Alliance . A first analysis immediately highlights that the area of HRM continues to be individually managed by Star Alliance’s member airlines. EATON (2004, p. L) makes the assumption, “I doubt very much if Star Alliance is sufficiently cohesive to lead to significant changes, let alone convergence, in HRM practices”. This belief is to be explored. This thesis will have four main objectives. The first objective is to identify potential benefits and costs to the alliance that could be associated with a standardised HRM-policy . These advantages and disadvantages will be grouped according to the six L’s (learning, leaning, leveraging, linking, leaping, and locking out), as defined by PREECE (1995) (see 3.1). Secondly, the author would like to use a theoretical model, the integration-responsiveness grid of PRAHALAD/DOZ (1986; 1987), to capture the pressures, which make the strategies of standardisation or individualisation critical. This model will be applied to the airline industry, and to an organisational (Star Alliance), and functional (HRM) context (see 3.2). The third objective is to analyse the extent to which the members of Star Alliance apply standardised, as apposed to individualised HRM instruments in reality, and to consider whether Star Alliance airlines are increasingly or decreasingly standardising the HRM-field (see 3.3). Finally, the author would like to discus the reasons to explain the findings of section 3.3 (see 3.4).

Overview of Translation Tools - Benefits of Translation Memory Management Software for an International Company

Overview of Translation Tools - Benefits of Translation Memory Management Software for an International Company PDF Author: Marina Carrillo
Publisher: GRIN Verlag
ISBN: 3638741575
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 88

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Diploma Thesis from the year 2007 in the subject Computer Science - Software, grade: 2,3, University of Applied Sciences Ansbach, 60 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: “TRANSLATION is very much like copying paintings.” These are the words of Boris Pasternak (1890-1960), a Russian Poet, Novelist and Translator. The key to translation is not only understanding and being fluent in more than one language and having an understanding of language and culture, but also being able to convey the meaning of the text in one language into the other. However, just the knowledge of different languages is not enough to succeed in the competing world scene of translation. Through the immense development of the Internet, information technology, and ongoing globalization, “translation complexity takes a quantum leap” and forces today’s translators to use computer technology, advanced software applications, and computer-aided translation tools to meet enhanced translation requirements in a timely manner. In order to be successful translator in today’s fast turn around times, the knowledge of and skills in different translation facilitating programs are essential. Translation is a difficult process, which requires computer and software skills in addition to proficiency. The translation business is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing markets in the world, and as a result, translators must develop efficiencies in their processes to meet the increasing demand and to be able to offer competitively priced services. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the major translation tools available in the marketplace and to illustrate how they benefit the translator in multiple ways. This thesis will combine the essential knowledge of these different software tools and provide the important criteria required to choose the appropriate foreign language translation software.

Loyalty Schemes in Retailing

Loyalty Schemes in Retailing PDF Author: Nicolas Hoffmann
Publisher: Forschungsergebnisse der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
ISBN: 9783631638804
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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To test the impact of stand-alone vs. multi-partner programs on customer loyalty, management interviews were conducted and a survey with 1,150 German customers of two fuel station chains was carried out. Stand-alone programs were found to excel at generating behavioral and attitudinal loyalty, as well as positive word-of-mouth.