End Time Look at God's Redemption Plan, An

End Time Look at God's Redemption Plan, An PDF Author: Lynette Carrington-Cox
Publisher: TEACH Services, Inc.
ISBN: 1479604739
Category : Religion
Languages : en
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Every now and then a new book is released and people stand in long lines with great anticipation, some even camp outside the bookstore overnight waiting to purchase a copy. Television news sometimes captures the pictures of people pushing and shoving into the stores to get their hands on that book, and within a few days they have read every line. As I look at these lines of people, I have often thought, "Now what book could get me so excited that I would stand in line for hours to get a copy and then lose sleep trying to read every word?" It would have to be a book filled with essential, long lasting, lifesaving information. Its author has to be lovable and all-knowing and the information has to be crucial to my existence now and in the future. Then the thought flashes through my mind, there is such a book available free, for the asking, but there are no long lines of eager excited people waiting to get their hands on it. Is it possible that most people really do not know what is in this book? This book is none other than the Bible. The Bible is the most important book that has been written and the most important book that we will ever read. This book reveals the history of God's plan of redemption.

End Time Look at God's Redemption Plan, An

End Time Look at God's Redemption Plan, An PDF Author: Lynette Carrington-Cox
Publisher: TEACH Services, Inc.
ISBN: 1479604739
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages :

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Every now and then a new book is released and people stand in long lines with great anticipation, some even camp outside the bookstore overnight waiting to purchase a copy. Television news sometimes captures the pictures of people pushing and shoving into the stores to get their hands on that book, and within a few days they have read every line. As I look at these lines of people, I have often thought, "Now what book could get me so excited that I would stand in line for hours to get a copy and then lose sleep trying to read every word?" It would have to be a book filled with essential, long lasting, lifesaving information. Its author has to be lovable and all-knowing and the information has to be crucial to my existence now and in the future. Then the thought flashes through my mind, there is such a book available free, for the asking, but there are no long lines of eager excited people waiting to get their hands on it. Is it possible that most people really do not know what is in this book? This book is none other than the Bible. The Bible is the most important book that has been written and the most important book that we will ever read. This book reveals the history of God's plan of redemption.

An End Time Look at God's Redemption Plan

An End Time Look at God's Redemption Plan PDF Author: Lynette Carrington-Cox
ISBN: 9781572585430
Category : Redemption
Languages : en
Pages : 451

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Every now and then a new book is released and people stand in long lines with great anticipation, some even camp outside the bookstore overnight waiting to purchase a copy. Television news sometimes captures the pictures of people pushing and shoving into the stores to get their hands on that book, and within a few days they have read every line. As I look at these lines of people, I have often thought, Now what book could get me so excited that I would stand in line for hours to get a copy and then lose sleep trying to read every word? It would have to be a book filled with essential, long lasting, lifesaving information. Its author has to be lovable and all-knowing and the information has to be crucial to my existence now and in the future. Then the thought flashes through my mind, there is such a book available free, for the asking, but there are no long lines of eager excited people waiting to get their hands on it. Is it possible that most people really do not know what is in this book? This book is none other than the Bible. The Bible is the most important book that has been written and the most important book that we will ever read. This book reveals the history of God's plan of redemption.

Corpus Christologicum

Corpus Christologicum PDF Author: Gregory Lanier
Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers
ISBN: 1683071808
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 737

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"A compendium of approximately three hundred texts-in Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, Latin, Ethiopic, Syriac, Coptic, and other languages-that are important for the study of Jewish messianism and early Christology, with a critical apparatus and translation for each text, thematic tagging that enables textual cross-referencing, and bibliography"--

The History of Redemption

The History of Redemption PDF Author: Richard Samuel Collins
Publisher: Independently Published
ISBN: 9781520445243
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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If I were to ask you about the history of redemption, you would most likely begin by thinking back to the cross and what was accomplished there by Christ From there, you would then move forward. However, in God's mind or from His perspective it began before the foundation of the world. Ephesians 1:4 says, "...even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him in love..." Before Genesis 1, God had the plan of redemption already formulated. This means that God planned this in eternity past. Before "in the beginning," God existed and planned our redemption. So when God was all that there was, the history of redemption began. That may be hard for us to fathom because we cannot think in terms of eternity. Unlike God, we are constrained by time. The fact remains that God planned our redemption through His Son Jesus Christ before the world was even created. It was not a second option; it was the original plan from the start. We may not understand it all, but we can gain glimpses of it throughout the revealed Word of God, which is itself a "story of redemption that spans from creation to re-creation" (i.e., Genesis 1-2 to Revelation 21-22). Some of you may already be jumping ahead of me and asking, "Why would God create the world if He knew that one day He would have to redeem it? Could He not foresee what would go wrong and prevent that from happening so that creation would remain 'good' and not need to be redeemed?" Those questions are very important. In our study of the history of redemption, these questions will only be dealt with briefly, and they will have to wait until later. There is no need to get ahead of ourselves just yet. But to satisfy the question for the time being, I will give you the main reason, which will be the only reason addressed in this particular study, that God chose to create a world that He knew would fall into sin and need to be redeemed from it. It is for His glory, and I hope as we progress in our study that you will see how that statement is definitely true. The study of the history of redemption has interested me for a long time now. I have preached on the subject as an overview and taught on it in detail. But I wanted more. I wanted to go even more in depth on this subject, and that is what I intend to do here. Before we begin, I want to explain what we will be doing. We are not going to cover every aspect of redemption in Scripture, because that would cover the whole Bible. For instance, the Book of Hosea is full of rich illustrations of redemption, but we will not cover it in this study. So this is not an all-inclusive look at redemption; it is a study of the highlights. It would take a volume much larger than this, probably multiple volumes, to truly give the history of redemption the study it deserves. We will start with the creation account. Since God's plan came to fruition before the foundation of the world, then it makes sense that we start at the creation event in our study of the history of redemption. We will end with Christ, who is the completion of God's plan for redemption. I hope you enjoy this study, and I pray that God uses it to draw you closer to Him.

Four Blood Moons

Four Blood Moons PDF Author: John Hagee
Publisher: Worthy Books
ISBN: 1617953008
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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"...There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars...Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near." Luke 21:25a, 28 It is rare that Scripture, science, and history align with each other, yet the last three series of Four Blood Moons have done exactly that. Are these the "signs" that God refers to in His Word? If they are, what do they mean? What is their prophetic significance?

The Message for the Last Days

The Message for the Last Days PDF Author: K.J. Soze
Publisher: K.J. Soze
ISBN: 0578530805
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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This award-winning book examines the foundation of Bible prophecy brought forward from the Old Testament to the New. The Message for the Last Days is a comprehensive look back to the foundation of God’s word as it secures the reality of the gospel. The Future is Revealed by Understanding the Past

Unveiling the End Times in Our Time

Unveiling the End Times in Our Time PDF Author: Adrian Rogers
Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
ISBN: 1433680181
Category : Bibles
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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Beloved pastor Adrian Rogers guides readers through the prophetic "blessing book" of Revelation, making clear the signs in our times that point to God's plan for his people in the end times.

Time Management for the Christian Leader

Time Management for the Christian Leader PDF Author: Ken Willard
ISBN: 9781630884253
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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God gives each of us the same 168 hours a week. Why is it that some of us seem to spend our time more effectively and more efficiently than others? Our time is too short and our ministries too important for us to waste any of the hours God has entrusted to us. Author Ken Willard outlines some best practices, time wasters to avoid, and examples designed to apply in your life and ministry. How do we plan for the long-term, the short-term, and the daily? What are the connections between our tasks and our goals? Is there space between your load and your limit? Time Management for Christian Leaders challenges readers to identify why they are interested in improving their time management skills, where they currently struggle, and where they want to spend more time.

The Entire Endtime Sequence

The Entire Endtime Sequence PDF Author: Robert L. Carlton
Publisher: Author House
ISBN: 1468575961
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 704

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In recent times, many people have come to realize that this world is approaching its end. Most believe that GOD is in control of how it will end, and they are right! Not only is GOD in control, He has a Master Endtime Plan for this earth and its peoples. Moreover, in His Holy Word, the Bible, GOD has described His plan; He has described it very clearly and in great detail. This book desribes the entire Endtime Scenario, making it so simple anyone can understand it. It reviews the scriptures that describe each major Endtime happening and other scriptures that explicitly define the chronological sequence for those happenings. It identifies several calendar timelines within the scriptures that measure the precise times between various Endtime happenings. To give confidence in its conclusions, it identifies four separate sets of Scriptures that clearly define the sequence for the events that will lead to CHRIST'S return and the Christian Rapture/Ressurection. Everyone, even those who are not familiar with either the Bible or the Christian theology, should easily understand this book. They will understand the entire Endtime Scenario that JESUS CHRIST foretold, the major happenings that will take place, the sequence in which they will happen, and the specific scriptures that describe all these things. Moreover, they will understand how all of these things relate to GOD'S Covenants and His labors of the past 6000 years. They will see that all of the Endtime happenings are just the grand finale of those labors. Most importantly, each reader will not only allow what is going to happen in the Endtimes, he or she will know how they can control their own eternal destiny.

The Glory Now Revealed

The Glory Now Revealed PDF Author: Andrew M. Davis
Publisher: Baker Books
ISBN: 1493430270
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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Believers know that when we die we enter heaven and will spend eternity there with God and the saints who have gone before us. But what actually happens in heaven? What are we going to be doing there? Won't it get boring at some point? According to Scripture, a large part of our experience of heaven will be a continual revealing of God's glory. Not just his glory in the moment, but during all of time. The mysteries of providence, the hidden movements of God throughout history, and the forgotten and unnoted works of even the most obscure of God's people will be unveiled so that we can see how wise, loving, gracious, and powerful our God is. And though we will experience perfection in heaven, we will never be omniscient, which means we will always be learning more about God's glory, inspiring us to return joyful praise and thanksgiving. If your vision of heaven has been limited to clouds and harps and angels, it's time to expand that view with the truth found in this biblically based look at the afterlife.