How vibration brings forth sound, form, and colour

How vibration brings forth sound, form, and colour PDF Author: C. Kotayya
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 21

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Universal Consciousness is A–U–M or Pranavam, i.e., Spirit–Breath–Sound–Life. Spirit or Eternal Breath is Motion, and motion animates matter. Eternal Motion is Svara or Vibration, the substratum of the Pythagorean Music of the Spheres. And thus by endless combinations, modifications, and individualisations of the Seven Tattvas or Forces of Nature, which in turn produce every sound, form, and colour, the Divine Mind exhibits periodically aspects of itself to the perception of finite minds. There can be no sound without vibration, for the former is the consequence of the latter. Vibration is caused by the difference in the density of material particles, the solid being moved by the liquid, and the liquid by the gaseous. Divine spirit animates inert mass. Air, breath, life, sound, and form are interconnected. Cosmic mind is the prime mover of everything in the manifested universe. Physical forces are only secondary effects, guided by spiritual forces. Colours of the human voice. Colours of musical instruments. Colours of languages. Table of Tattvas showing their sounds, forms, and colours. The four states of matter correspond to the four states of consciousness.

How vibration brings forth sound, form, and colour

How vibration brings forth sound, form, and colour PDF Author: C. Kotayya
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 21

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Universal Consciousness is A–U–M or Pranavam, i.e., Spirit–Breath–Sound–Life. Spirit or Eternal Breath is Motion, and motion animates matter. Eternal Motion is Svara or Vibration, the substratum of the Pythagorean Music of the Spheres. And thus by endless combinations, modifications, and individualisations of the Seven Tattvas or Forces of Nature, which in turn produce every sound, form, and colour, the Divine Mind exhibits periodically aspects of itself to the perception of finite minds. There can be no sound without vibration, for the former is the consequence of the latter. Vibration is caused by the difference in the density of material particles, the solid being moved by the liquid, and the liquid by the gaseous. Divine spirit animates inert mass. Air, breath, life, sound, and form are interconnected. Cosmic mind is the prime mover of everything in the manifested universe. Physical forces are only secondary effects, guided by spiritual forces. Colours of the human voice. Colours of musical instruments. Colours of languages. Table of Tattvas showing their sounds, forms, and colours. The four states of matter correspond to the four states of consciousness.

The Monads of Leibniz are the Jivas of Occultism, a Unity of mathematical points in boundless Space

The Monads of Leibniz are the Jivas of Occultism, a Unity of mathematical points in boundless Space PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 50

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Esoteric Science strives to enlarge the domain of physical science by trespassing on the forbidden grounds of metaphysics, so distasteful to some materialists. Though modern scientists, learned as they may be, all their wonderful discoveries would go for nothing, and they themselves remain for ever headless bodies, unless they lift the veil of matter and strain their eyes to see beyond. The extent, depth, breadth, and length of the mysteries of Nature are to be found only in Eastern Esoteric Sciences. So vast and so profound are these that hardly a few, a very few of the highest Initiates are capable of assimilating that which is good, pure, and holy, and penetrate into the arcana behind the veil. Without throwing any discredit upon time-honoured beliefs, we draw a line between blind faith, evolved by theologies, and the knowledge compiled and validated by generations of eastern adepts and seers; in short, between faith and true philosophy, i.e., the Wisdom of Love not the “love of wisdom” as the term is commonly interpreted. The ten precious Cosmic Seeds, brought to Magna Graecia from old India by the great Ionian Sage, eclipsed all those Theogonies and angelologies that ever emanated from the theological brain. The ten mathematical points inscribed within the Pythagorean Triangle transcend the limits of the lower mind and elevate the apperceptions of the spiritual thinker into the realm of primal causes. Along with the plane Cube and Circle, the Abstract Triangle is the cornerstone of cosmic philosophy and symbol of the manifested universe. The equilateral Triangle is the trinity of the first differentiated Substance, or the consubstantiality of Spirit-Matter-Universe, the Son, who unfolds from the Unity of Logos. Aristotle was not an initiate. He misrepresented Plato, mocked Pythagoras, and by omitting the Point and the Circle, and by ignoring the Apex, he demeaned the application of geometry to Cosmic and Divine Theogony. Thus the pupil of Plato succeeded in dwarfing the Majesty of the Ideal Triangle to a simple triad: line, surface, body. His modern heirs, who play at Idealism, have interpreted these geometrical figures as space, force, matter. Those like Aristotle and others, who did not adhere the mathematical correctness of Plato’s deductive reasonings, and did not proceed top-down, from universals down to particulars, begun symbolizing their philosophies and religions by sexual emblems! As an emblem applicable to the objective idea, the Triangle became a solid. When repeated in stone on the four cardinal points, it assumed the shape of the Pyramid — symbol of the phenomenal merging into the Noumenal Universe of Thought — at the Apex of the four triangles. The Apex itself is lost in the Unseen Universe from whence started the first race of the spiritual prototypes of man. The protyle, or undifferentiated cosmic matter, of our most eminent chemists and physicists is the basic line of the Pythagorean Triangle, the grandest conception imaginable, for it symbolizes both the Ideal and the Visible Universes. In the realm of the Esoteric Sciences the unit divided endlessly, instead of losing its unity, approaches with every division the planes of the only eternal Reality, which the Seer can follow and behold it in all its pregenetic glory. The Monads in the present dissertation are distinct atomic Souls, before they descend into terrestrial form. Their descent into concrete matter marks the medial point of their own individual pilgrimage. Here, losing in the mineral kingdom their individuality, they begin ascending through the seven states of terrestrial evolution to that point where a correspondence between the human and divine consciousness is firmly established. At present, however, we are not concerned with their terrestrial trials and tribulations, but with their life and behaviour in Space, on planes wherein the eye of the most intuitional chemist and physicist cannot reach them. Leibniz was not an Initiate, not even a mystic, only a very intuitional philosopher. Yet no psycho-physicist ever came nearer than he has to the mysteries of cosmic evolution. Let not the word “Psychology” cause the reader to carry his thought by an association of ideas to modern “Psychologists,” so-called, whose idealism is another name for uncompromising Materialism, and whose pretended Monism is no better than a mask to conceal the void of final annihilation — even of consciousness. An idea has no subsistence by itself, but gives figure and form unto shapeless matter, and becomes the cause of the manifestation. Once the idea of protyle is accepted, Chemistry will have virtually ceased to live: it will reappear in its reincarnation as New Alchemy, or Metachemistry. For what are the manifested Mother, the Father-Son-Husband,” and the Son — the three First-born — but Hydrogen, Oxygen, and that which, in its terrestrial manifestation, is called Nitrogen? The Monads of Leibniz may, from one point of view be called force; from another, matter. To Occult Science, force and matter are two sides of the same Substance. These Monads, every one of which is a living mirror of the universe, each Monad reflecting each other, are hidden in a veil of thick darkness, forming mirrors of the atoms of the world, and casting reflections from its own face on every atom. Where, then, is the Ultimate Element? As we advance, it recedes like the tantalizing mirage lakes and groves seen by the tired and thirsty traveller in the desert. The very idea of an element, as something absolutely primary and ultimate, seems to be growing less and less distinct. Occult Science teaches that “Mother” lies stretched in infinity, during Pralaya, as the Great Deep, the “dry Waters of Space,” and becomes wet only after the separation and the moving over its face of Narayana, the Spirit which is an Invisible Flame that never burns, but which sets on fire all that it touches, and gives it life and generation. Hydrogen and oxygen (which instil the fire of life into the Mother) is Spirit, the noumenon of that which becomes in its grossest form oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen on earth — nitrogen being of no divine origin, but merely an earth-born cement to unite other gases and fluids, and serve as a sponge to carry in itself the breath of Life — pure air. The is no such thing in Nature as inorganic (inanimate) substances. Stones, minerals, rocks, and even chemical “atoms” are simply organic units in profound lethargy. Their coma comes to an end when their inertia becomes activity. The divisions made by Leibniz, however incomplete and faulty from the standpoint of Occultism, show a spirit of metaphysical intuition to which no man of science, not Descartes, not even Kant, has ever reached. With him there always existed an infinite gradation of thought. Only a small portion of the contents of our thoughts rises into the clearness of apperception, “into the light of perfect consciousness.” From the shock of Leibniz’ and Spinoza’s systems (as opposed to the Cartesian system) emerge the truths of the Archaic doctrine. Both opposed the metaphysics of Descartes: his idea of the contrast of two substances — extension and thought — radically differing from each other and mutually irreducible, was too arbitrary and too unphilosophical for them. What Leibniz calls Monads, and Eastern philosophy Jivas, is the Unity of units, immaterial and infinite. They are with us, as with Leibniz, “the expression of the universe,” and every physical point is but the phenomenal expression of the noumenal, metaphysical point. Leibniz’s distinction between perception and apperception is the philosophical, though dim expression, of the Esoteric teachings. Every Monad differs from each other qualitatively, and every one is a peculiar world to itself. But this is not so with atoms: they are absolutely alike quantitatively and qualitatively, and possess no individuality of their own. To Leibniz atoms and elements are centres of force, or rather “spiritual beings whose very nature is to act.” The molecules of materialistic philosophy are extended and divisible, while Monads are mere mathematical points and indivisible. At this point, the Monads of Leibniz closely resemble the Elementals of mystic philosophy. Every Monad or Elemental is a speaking mirror. Esoteric philosophy, teaching an objective Idealism, draws a practical distinction between collective illusion, from the purely metaphysical standpoint, and the objective relations in it between various conscious Egos so long as this illusion lasts. The adept, therefore, may read the future in an Elemental Monad, but he has to draw for this object a great number of them, as each Monad represents only a portion of the Kingdom it belongs to.

Triune Law Governs Universe and Man

Triune Law Governs Universe and Man PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 26

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The three hypostases of Universal Law are: 1. Karma-action makes the world go ’round. 2. Yajna-compassion / sacrifice is the very first conscious yearning. 3. Yugas-cycles are subservient to Karma. Motion is Nous and vice versa. From Chaos Nous was born to bring order. Madame Blavatsky quoting Plato on the motion that is able to move itself. Cicero quoting Plato on That which is always moved, being eternal. Taylor commenting on Plato’s rational soul that imparts well-being to itself, when it cultivates and perfects itself. Motion is unmanifested and manifested. Motion unmanifested is Parabrahman, Eternal Universal Motion. It is the Eternal Breath “which knows itself not,” Absolute Motion. When Motion is about to be manifested (First to Second Logos), the Eternal Breath thrills through the first manifested Atom (Monad), or “Æthereal Vibrations diffused throughout Space,” which is the Central Point (Unmanifested Logos) in the circle. Motion manifested (Third Logos) is the Ideal World. It is one everlasting perpetual motion of vortical vibrations. Motion becomes apparent in the Material World — ceaseless eternal vibration: rapid in the inorganic, slow in the organic. Deity is Law and vice versa. Matter is Nature and vice versa, She is the vessel or soul of spirit. Generation is not a “Creation” of Life, but a production of things to Sense, and making them manifest. Neither is Change Death, but an Occultation or hiding of that which was. Nature is uncontrolled by proud masters. She runs the universe by herself without the aid of gods. But Earth is our mother and kind nurse. Cyclic Law makes empires rise and fall, ever alternating periods of fat and slender cows, for all. Consciousness evolves spirally in curves that never re-enter into themselves. At certain periods, a preview of Its consummation may be glimpsed.

The atoms of Science are the vibrations of Occultism

The atoms of Science are the vibrations of Occultism PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 17

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Fohat, the Light of Logos, shapes the atoms from crude material, which is as yet invisible to us. Since sound and rhythm are closely related to the Four Elements of the Ancients, the potency of the spoken word awakens their corresponding powers with good or bad results. As the differentiation of the Divine Monas precedes the evolution of the Dhyani-Chohans of the Third Hierarchy of Being in the primary creation, before those Devas can occupy their first ethereal form, so animal creation has to precede the evolution of man on earth. Then the Great Breath vibrates and differentiates the primordial, first manifested Atom. How could you make yourself understood by those semi-intelligent Forces, whose means of communication with us are not through spoken words but through sounds and colours in correlated vibrations between the two? By employing sound, light and colours, which are understood by these grades of intelligence. Light and heat are ghosts of matter in motion. Natural-born magicians are those whose inner selves are connected, by reason of their direct descent, with that group of Dhyani-Chohans who are “the first-born of Ether.” No substance possesses any inherent gustatory or olfactory property. Taste and odour are mere sensations caused by vibrations — hence illusionary perceptions. We taste and smell in our dreams and visions. Akasha is primordial substance, the vehicle of Divine Thought. Knowledge of Akasha and other mysteries can alone lead to knowledge of the Forces of Nature. Could air exist if there were no etheric medium in Space to buoy up its molecules? The waves and undulations of Science are all produced by atoms propelling their molecules into activity from within. Atoms fill the immensity of Space and, by their continuous vibration, are Eternal Motion (Atman), cyclic and spiral, which keeps the wheels of Life rolling.

Madame Blavatsky on Occult Vibrations

Madame Blavatsky on Occult Vibrations PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 8

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In Occultism atoms are called “vibrations;” also “sound,” collectively. It is the sound that produces the colour, and not the other way around. By correlating the vibrations of a sound in the proper way a new colour is made.

Insights to the occult causes of epidemic diseases:

Insights to the occult causes of epidemic diseases: PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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Epidemics in moral and physical affairs are more now more rife than ever. The seeds of vice and crime spring up and bring forth fruit with appalling rapidity and paralyzing succession. The reciprocal relations between planetary bodies and man are as perfect as those between the red blood cells, which float in a common fluid. Each body, whether planetary of human, is affected by the combined influences of all and, in its turn, affects each and all. Pythagoras’ music of the spheres is more than a mere fancy, as certain planetary aspects may disturb the æther of our planet, while others may bring about rest and harmony. Some pathological conditions have a tendency to become rapidly spreading epidemics, influenced by causes unknown to modern science. Plato says that animal man is a son of necessity. A physically pure body will strengthen the soul which, though liable to err, will always side with reason against the lusts and proclivities of the body. The rapid growth of human intellect has paralysed spiritual perceptions. It is at the expense of wisdom that intellect thrives, and mankind is quite unprepared to comprehend the awful drama of disobedience of the laws of spiritual life and those governing natural life. The Sun is the Mind and Heart of our Cosmos. Its bright spots are the blood cells of that luminary. Its coronal changes have no effect upon the earth’s climate, but the sunspots have. The connection between sunspots and epidemics affecting plants is well-established, but the karmic influence of sunspots on the fortunes of man, the living barometer, is not even suspected. The current solar cycle of sunspot activity began in December 2019 and will continue for eleven years. The fact that the current COVID-19 pandemic also began in December 2019 is no coincidence. This is further evidence of the magnetic sympathy between man and the planetary orbs that rule and guide human destinies. In Occultism atoms are called vibrations; also sound, collectively. It is the sound that produces the colour, and not the other way around. By correlating the vibrations of a sound in the proper way, a new colour can be made. Now, if the nerves of the human body thrill in synch with a low form of life, such as a virus for example, the outcome of this abnormal chromatic vibration is likely to be an infection acquired by magnetic affinity. Epidemics such as cholera, are the consequence of man’s sin, though his neglect of hygienic laws, of cleanliness and good drainage, are preventable. But there are also climatic conditions, as those in the outbreak of cholera in 1884, when the epidemic seemed confined to certain areas, following some law of atmospheric currents. Number 9 represents the earth under the influence of an evil principle. It is a digit dreaded by the ancients, for its natural depravity is awful. Influenza epidemics have a mysterious predilection for royalty. That which is now called influenza was known before as the grippe, and the latter devastated Europe centuries before the cholera made its first appearance in the so-called civilized lands. Epidemics of influenza and other respiratory tract infections are often caused by an abnormal exuberance of ozone in the air. The real ozone is the Elixir of Life. Thought is neither less material nor less objective than the elusive germs of infectious diseases — current and continuously emerging — the causes of which are such a puzzle for modern science. Since the mind of a living person can psychologize another mind at will, so can the thought of a person already dead. Mental epidemics are often caused by sorcerers who arouse the earth-bound shadows of the dead to hallucinate the minds of good men. Moral taint is as communicable as the physical. Bad companions will degrade personal magnetism and this is more pernicious than the impressions conveyed to the eye or the ear. The latter may be repelled by avoiding seeing or hearing what is bad; but the moral poison of the former, floating in the air, enwraps the sensitive and penetrates his very being. A negatively polarized man, a man of a susceptible temperament, if exposed to a current of foul emanations from some vicious person will be absorb the insidious poison until he is saturated by it. Likewise, a susceptible body will absorb pathogenic microorganisms. The two best remedies for the sensitive to have his sensitiveness destroyed, is to change his negative polarity to positive, and to avoid passivity at all costs by maintaining full control of his mind at all times. While the fear that the presence of the dead brings pollution to the living is no better than a superstition, the real cause of the religious prohibition not to handle too closely the dead and to bury them without first subjecting the bodies to the disinfectant process of fire, vultures, or nitric acid, was as beneficent in its results as it was wise, since it was the best and most necessary sanitary precaution against epidemics. The Astral Light is no light, it is a huge storehouse of human corruption and degeneracy. It gives out nothing but what it has received; it is the great terrestrial crucible, in which the vile emanations of the earth (moral, psychic, and physical, upon which the Astral Light is fed) are all converted into their subtlest essence, radiated back intensified, and then spread as epidemics — moral, psychic, and physical.

Madame Blavatsky on the difference between six-pointed and five-pointed stars

Madame Blavatsky on the difference between six-pointed and five-pointed stars PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 15

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“Man is a little world inside the great universe,” teaches Paracelsus. “A microcosm, within the macrocosm, like a foetus, he is suspended by his three principal spirits in the matrix of the universe.” These three spirits are described as double: 1. The spirit of the Elements (terrestrial body and vital principle); 2. The spirit of the stars (sidereal or astral body and will governing it); 3. The spirit of the spiritual world (the animal and the spiritual souls) — the seventh principle being an almost immaterial spirit or the divine Augoeides, Atma, represented by the central point, which corresponds to the human navel. This seventh principle is the Personal God of every man, say the old Western and Eastern Occultists. Man is the Jewel of the Macrocosm.

The One Ray strides through 7 Regions in 3 Steps

The One Ray strides through 7 Regions in 3 Steps PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 23

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The Solitary Ray, shooting like a falling star through the planes of Non-being into the First World of Being, the Noumenal World of Truth, gives birth to the Ideal Triangle, before withdrawing whence it had come. The Solitary Ray is the Pythagorean Monad. It strides through the Seven Regions of the Universe in three steps: First Logos, The One. Second Logos, The One made Three, concreting into Third Logos, where the Three live within The One, thus making up the Perfect Square in heaven — and a Cube on earth. Terrestrial number 2 is useless and unlucky. Twin serpents conceal the One from the many. The Seven Rays of Logos, 3 + 4, are Three Principles + Four Vehicles on the material plane. They vivify Seven Worlds of Being, symbolised by the Ladder, as follows: Absolute, Archetypal, Spiritual, Manasic, Psychic, Astral, and Elemental. The Earth is no World.

Plotinus on the Centre + Circle

Plotinus on the Centre + Circle PDF Author: Plotinus
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 24

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The Good is the Centre; the Intellectual-Principle, an unmoving circle; Soul, a circle in motion. All good souls dwell in the far-spread heavens, infusing life into the stars, consciously moving around the One Centre, seeking nothing beyond. Eternity is stable in Unity. All is bound to The Good, but The Good to none: It is the object of all aspiration. In Unity there can be no knowing. The One can only know Itself through Plurality. But in the great illusion of form, The One stands distinct and apart: it is present without being inherent.

Inertia, the Great Occult Force in our Kosmos, is unknown to modern Science

Inertia, the Great Occult Force in our Kosmos, is unknown to modern Science PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 38

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The concepts of the West are the allegories of the East, and the truths of the Elect. Behind the veil of terrestrial phenomena, the Occultist sees in the Elemental Forces of Nature secondary Causes which are, in themselves, the effects of primary Causes produced and guided unerringly by Divine Intelligences. The idea of anything in Nature being inorganic or dead is materially fallacious, and is utterly rejected by Esoteric Philosophy. When matter appears inert, it is the most active. A stone block is motionless and impenetrable to all intents and purposes. Nevertheless, its particles are in ceaseless eternal vibration which is so rapid that, to the physical eye, the stone seems devoid of motion. Substance is the pre-cosmic substratum of matter, undifferentiated yet interrelated with Ideation, supersensuous but atomic, informed by the Divine Breath of its form. Substance does not mean matter in metaphysics. It is boundless Æther, formless and supernal, the ultimate essence of matter in Space and noumenon of evanescent matter on Earth. Ether is physical and infernal. Kosmos is Eternal Noetic Motion Unmanifested, the Great Breath of One Element. Father-Æther is the source and cause of All Cosmic Forces, which are differentiated aspects of Cosmic Substance, generated by substantial yet super-sensuous Powers. Our Cosmos is ruled by Creative and Intelligent Occult Forces: they are emanations of conscious living entities, acting behind the veil of matter. The forces we know of are but the phenomenal manifestations of realities we know nothing about, but which were known by the ancients. The truths of today are the falsehoods of yesterday. Conceit and prejudice strangle every truth. As only truth can dispel error, Truth should be the sole aim of Science and Justice. It is true that pure Force is nothing in the world of physics; but it is the All in the domain of metaphysics. Inertia is the Greatest of Occult Forces. A flying cannon ball moves only from its own inherent Force of Inertia. Eternal Vibration is the spiritual term for Motion Unmanifested, unconscious, innate, noumenal. It is the “Great Breath” of the One Eternal Element. Vortical Motion is the material term for Motion Manifested, conscious, external, phenomenal. Whatever may be the future name given to the Force of Inertia by scientists, to maintain that that Force does not reside in the atoms but only in the “space between them,” is not true. To the mind of an Occultist it is like saying that water does not reside in the drops of which the ocean is composed, but only in the space between those drops. The Atom belongs wholly to the domain of metaphysics. It is an entified abstraction and has nought to do with physics, strictly speaking, as it can never be brought to the test of retort or balance. Avogadro’s law holds the same place in chemistry as the law of gravitation does in astronomy. Occultists see in gravity only Sympathy and Antipathy, or Attraction and Repulsion, caused by physical polarity on our terrestrial plane, and by spiritual causes beyond our illusive earth. Matter, to the Occultist and to those men of Science who care too much for truth and too little for their vanity to dogmatise, is that totality of existences in the Kosmos, which falls within any of the planes of possible perception. If Scientists could fathom the ultimate nature of these Forces, they would have first to admit their substantial nature, however supersensuous. Science merely traces the sequence of phenomena on a plane of effects, illusory projections from the region that Occultism has long since penetrated. Light and heat, sound and cohesion, are the ghosts or shadows of matter in motion. However, there is no fundamental difference between light and heat, each is merely a metamorphosis of the other. Heat is light in complete repose. Light is heat in rapid motion. When light is combined with a body, it becomes heat; but when thrown off from that body, heat reverts to light. Occult Science may err in particulars but it can never become guilty of a mistake in questions of Universal Laws, simply because Divine Science was born on higher planes, and was brought on Earth by Beings who were far wiser than man will ever be. Occult Science may be less well-informed as to the behaviour of compound elements in various cases of physical correlations: still, it is immeasurably higher in its knowledge of the ultimate occult states of matter, and of the true nature of matter, than all the Academies of Science of our day may possess. Occult Science does not regard either electricity, or any of the forces supposedly generated by it, as matter in any of the states known to physical Science. None of these “forces,” so-called, are either solids, gases, or fluids. An Occultist would even object to electricity being called a fluid, as it is an effect and not the cause. But its noumenon, he would say, is a conscious cause. The force, which materialism considers as the cause of the diversity that surrounds us, is in sober reality only an effect, i.e., a result of that diversity. In other words, the cause of any force is not matter, but motion itself. And thus the great dogma, “no force without matter and no matter without force,” is dethroned and loses the solemn significance with which materialism has tried to invest it. If nature abhors vacuum, what is atom? To admit the divisibility of the atom, amounts to an admission of an infinite divisibility of substance, which is equivalent to reducing substance to nothingness. If the Universe is composed of atoms, then those atoms must be elastic. Absolutely non-elastic atoms could never exhibit a single one of those numerous phenomena that are attributed to their correlations. Without any elasticity the atoms could not manifest their energy, and the substance of the materialists would remain weeded of every force. Materialism is now enmeshed in a fatal circle of its own making. If the blind inertia of physical Science is replaced by the Intelligent Active Powers behind the veil of illusive matter, motion and inertia become subservient to those Powers. Acceptance of the infinite divisibility of the atom opens limitless horizons to Substance, informed by the Divine Breath of its Soul in every possible state of tenuity, states still undreamt of even by the most spiritually disposed chemists and physicists. But alas, the insanities of materialism and pessimism are incurable. The most Science can do is to assume the attitude of agnosticism. But to do this, requires a boundless love of truth and the surrender of the prestige of infallibility, which the men of Science have acquired among the flippant masses. Dualistic and anthropomorphic may be the philosophy of Vishisht Advaita, when compared with the non-duality of Advaita, it is yet supremely higher in logic and philosophy than the cosmogenesis exalted by Christianity and Science, its great opponents.